Grave Markers


Grave Markers

These grave markers are all made in the USA.  They measure approximately 6″ in diameter and are made of solid brass, aluminum or thermoplastic.  They are a great way to honor loved ones grave site who have served in the military.  We also have grave side flags to go with the holders.

The bronze markers are Oxidized, buffed and polished to give a beautiful two-tone effect.  They are then sprayed with a clear lacquer for weather protection.  Support lugs on the back for rod attachment and to hold a 12″x18″ stick flag.  See additional images for reference under each product.  Bronze markers come with a brass rod.  You can also choose to have an iron rod by selecting it from the drop down box from within the product category.

The aluminum markers are painted with a high quality coppertone base paint and highlighted with a light black overlay to give a two-tone effect.  Support lugs on the back for rod attachment and to hold a 12″x18″ stick flag.  See additional images for reference under each product.  Aluminum markers come with an iron rod or you can also choose to have a brass rod.

There is a limited selection of thermoplastic grave markers available in UniversalG.A.R., War of 1812World War 1World War 2Korean War and Vietnam War.  The thermoplastic grave markers are a great choice for those that want a great looking grave marker to honor their Veteran at a great price.  It is painted with a bronze look and clear coated for protection.  It comes with an aluminum rod for installing in the ground.  We recommend you take the thermoplastic markers down during the winter in cold weather climates.  Has support lugs on the back to hold a 12″x18″ stick flag.

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